BIM Execution Plan and Its Importance for Construction Companies


The advent of BIM Modeling into the construction industry has prevailed the implementation of BIM Execution Plan to enhance the right flow of work to execute the project successfully. It can be analysis and execution during various phases of the project.

What is BIM Execution Plan?

BIM Execution Plan is a complex and detailed document that helps the project team to identify and execute the role of BIM in various phases of construction in the project. BEP needs to be accurate to make the teams keep on track by focusing on details, saving on time and reduces rework. BEP is primarily used when there is a higher level of complexity and project size is huge. It lays an overall plan with details as to how the process will be executed. It is the process of creating a digital model of building or structures to aid collaboration among people involved in the project.

BEP Comprises of type of information as followed:
    How to create data in BIM files.
    How the data can be managed, recorded and shared.
    Define the assigned role along with task responsibility.
    Plan to achieve goals.
    Guide to project milestones.
  Project implementation plan and Task information Delivery plans that determines when the information will be prepared, who is accountable for the task and which protocol to be used.

All these details from BIM Modeling Services and ensure the project is carried out effectively in the entire project life-cycle.

Why it is Important?

Benefits of creating and leveraging BIM Execution Plan in a construction project are as followed:
Communication: Communication flow is enhanced through BEP is easier at the start of the construction project. It helps to manage liability, surmise and ensures communication flow available for the stakeholders in the project.

Collaboration: Every construction project is different and has requirement according to the need of the project, regulations and internal standards. The project team members must collaborate in real-time at every phase of construction to avoid unnecessary errors and regardless of the standards, executing the project well.

Saves Time: Timely schedule in any construction project is not so easy to retain and the biggest hurdle. Everybody involved in the project would work on details and avoid delay to project deliverables. Due to details being followed and maintained, the schedule of deliverables is attained successfully.

Sharing Data: As data is being shared and accessible by the people involved in construction from the start of the processes it maintains transparency among all. BIM Implementation data such as file formats, details regarding the components and processes and dimensions of the project is shared and have direct access to it.

Execution: Due to communication and collaboration among team members from the very start of the project, the standard of the model prepared is maintained and executed. It saves time and budget to be incurred on the project.

Implementation of BEP along with BIM Service providers can bring transformation in the AEC Industry. As it helps them to leverage digital model being prepared of the building as per their requirement and can be shared and accessed easily by all the construction professionals so that collaboration and coordination at every stage of the project being plan can be implemented. Execution is attained well along with a quality-driven model of the project.


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